About Us
We made you a gift!
Enjoy! It costs ~$1000 per caricature and we’re hoping to do a lot more of these.
Please consider supporting the Indiegogo campaign:
No ads, and the first caricature is free!
It also works directly on the desktop and mobile website:
10 Years In The Making
We are an equal opportunity pugilist! There will be many caricatures soon to follow.
We do not condone violence of any kind, but if (by chance) a monkey in a fez walks up to you and proceeds to punch you in the groin, you have to ask yourself if you deserved it.
Simian Pugilism:
It’s when a monkey (usually in a fez) walks up and punches you in the groin.
Our mission is to provide everyone with therapeutical catharsis in these trying times.
Indigogo Perks
Every human gets:
1. Ad-free game app from https://monkeypunch.game
+$5 gets:
2. Love and gratitude and 1st caricature pack when available.
+$25 gets:
3. All caricature packs free for 1 year.
+$100 gets:
4. All caricatures free forever
+$1000 gets:
5. Custom caricature
+$10,000 gets:
6. 2 custom caricature packs of 10
It costs ~$1000 per caricature and we’re hoping to do a lot more of these.
Please consider supporting the Indiegogo campaign:
Enjoy & Thanks!
-Simian Pugilist
699 Pine St.
Burlington, VT 05401
4350 3288 6171
Monkey Punch: First Character Free!
Love/gratitude and 1st pack
Every human gets:
1. Ad-free game app from https://monkeypunch.game
+$5 gets:
2. Love and gratitude and 1st caricature pack when available.
+$25 gets:
3. All caricature packs free for 1 year.
+$100 gets:
4. All caricatures free forever
+$1000 gets:
5. Custom caricature
+$10,000 gets:
6. 2 custom caricature packs of 10
Therapy and catharsis for all…
Through adorable groin punches.
Equal opportunity pugilist!
We do not condone violence of any kind, but if a monkey in a fez walks up to you and proceeds to punch you in the groin, you have to ask yourself if you deserved it.

If your question isn't answered here , feel free to contact us ,
An escape game is a real life experience where participants are locked in a room and must use elements of the room, the group’s collective knowledge, and wits to discover clues, solve puzzles, and escape and/or find the missing item within a set amount of time.